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Make a gift

The spirit of giving is truly special, and thoughtful gifts from people like you have been vitally important in helping us carry out our mission. Home is here for our residents and your gifts ensure our residents can enjoy their highest level of independence. St. Leonard is a 501 (c)3 not-for-profit organization (EIN 34-1940863). Gifts to St. Leonard are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Responding to the Gospel of Jesus, St. Leonard assists seniors of all faiths to achieve their highest level of independence.

Campus Initiative Fund
Funds are used for special activities, programs and equipment. This fund affects the lives of residents across the continuum of care including independent living, assisted living, skilled nursing, rehabilitation services, and memory support care. Designated as an “unrestricted” fund to support current needs of St. Leonard.  Specific donors can be recognized. For questions, please contact Kelly Lance, Director of Community Relations at (937) 439-7152.

Support Services Vehicle Fund
Funds are used for the repair and replacement of service vehicles campus wide, to include Maintenance, Grounds, Dietary, Security, Laundry and Transportation. For questions, please contact Tatjana Emmerich, Director of Resident Services at (937) 439-7127.

Benevolent Care Fund 
“Benevolent Care” represents the heart of the mission at St. Leonard. Through the generosity of donors, the Benevolent Care Fund covers basic living expenses for St. Leonard residents who outlive their funds, assuring residents who outlive their resources are not asked to leave the St. Leonard community at their most vulnerable time of life. If considering a tribute gift, you may want to purchase a Memorial or Honorary Loving Tribute plaque. These funds benefit the Benevolent Care Fund and are lovingly displayed on campus. For questions, please contact Tim Dressman, Executive Director at (937) 439-7158.

Activities Fund 
This fund affects the lives of residents across the continuum of care including independent living, assisted living, skilled nursing, rehabilitation services, and memory support care. These funds are used to supplement special events and campus celebrations. For questions, please contact Dawn Arrowood, Director of Wellness at (937) 439-7145,

Chapel Fund 
The funds for the campus chapels are collected through regular collections as well as special donations. These funds are used to include upkeep of the chapel space, clergy stipends, musical accompaniment, liturgical supplies, as well as restoration and revitalization of interior and exterior sacred artwork. These funds are also used for equipment upgrades. For questions, please contact Mary Houston, Director of Mission Integration at (937) 436-6372.

Employee Emergency Fund 
Employees who experience a tragic event may apply for the Employee Emergency Fund. This fund is managed by the Director of Mission Integration who ensures that the mission of St. Leonard is fulfilled to serve staff and residents alike. For questions, contact Mary Houston, Director of Mission Integration at (937) 436-6372.

The Legacy Society 
You may want to consider joining our Legacy Society. The Legacy Society is comprised of those donors who have indicated that St. Leonard is included in their estate plans. For questions, please contact Tim Dressman, Executive Director at (937) 439-7158.

Other ways to contribute

If you have a large vehicle in good condition you wish to donate or sell, please contact Tim Dressman, Executive Director at (937) 439-7158.

St. Leonard participates in Dorothy Lane Market's Good Neighbor Program, and Kroger Community Rewards. See the respective websites for more information.

Donations of stocks and mutual funds are also accepted. Please call for further details.

If you have any questions about donating, please contact Tim Dressman, Executive Director at (937) 439-7158.