Assisted living
Martina Place offers personalized assistance supportive services and health-related care in a home-like environment. Residents enjoy the comfort and amenities of home with the security of 24-hour care and companionship of supportive staff.
Martina Place is an assisted living residence that offers personal care that allows residents to remain as independent as possible. Services include help with bathing, dressing, grooming, and medication supervision. Working together with family members, our staff's goal is to help residents by caring for their mind, body and spirit. Quality respite care for those who need short-term assistance during recuperative periods is also offered.
Martina Place was designed to help residents feel comfortable in their living environment. The one and two-bedroom suites include a kitchenette and private bath. Groups of suites are clustered in neighborhoods that include a living room, family room, country kitchen and dining room. Residents can enjoy the outdoors on the screened front porch or enclosed courtyard. A variety of planned cultural, social, religious and recreational activities are available for residents to remain active and involved. Transportation is available for outings, shopping and other scheduled activities.